Numerology of My Name – Chaldean System

Numerology of My Name – Chaldean System

chaldean numerology

Great Numerology System 

Your name number and birth date number is more important thing in your life. It gives vibration to grow your life better way. That vibration may be good or bad. If you can make that vibration in good way, then you can turn your life to success. In this  numerology of my name topic I explain you to find the good vibration of your name. Chaldean numerology system is calculation and life reading method about human names and birth. This is great and quality vibrational method. It explain your desire and life path.

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Numerology is a miracle scientific method of numbers that is used to interpret the significance of the connections between letters, numbers, sounds, music, events, names, birth dates, and planets, as well as to foretell the future. The fundamental meaning and interpretation of the numbers remains mostly unchanged across all of these different calculation approaches; what differs is the method used to compute them.

 – Chaldean System 

While this numerology is widely considered the mother of all numerology systems, Vedic numerology is the true source of this system The Pythagorean System emerged only after Alexander invaded Babylonia and the Greeks acquired access to the Chaldean method Scripts. Let's go deeper into the this core ideas. Read 9 Spiritual Number Meaning 

Who Invented Chaldean Numerology?

chaldean numerology

The Chaldeans were a nation that governed Babylonia from 625 and 539 BC. As a result, Babylonian numerology is another name for this method. Each letter has its own vibration, according to this method, and is assigned a number between 1 and 8 based on its energy attributes. It detects energy shifts that occur when you or another person talks or thinks. 

 – Chaldean System 

When someone speaks, vibrations of various frequencies are produced, which influence the speaker and others around them. Single digits show a person's outer characteristics, whereas double digits disclose a person's inner traits in this form of Numerology. In the 1800s, an Irish mystic called William John Warner – better known as Cheiro – traveled to India to study this Numerology with the Parsis. Numerology of my name.

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He created "Cheiro's Book of Numbers," a book that explains the foundations of Chaldean Numerology. The numerals 1 to 8 are used in the Chaldean system. Since of its relationship to infinity, the number 9 is not utilized in the system because it is considered sacrosanct. The number 9 was considered sacred not just because it represented the highest degree of spiritual achievement, but also because it had the largest level of creative energy of any number. The number 9 might, nevertheless, be the ultimate outcome of these numerology computations.

chaldean numerology
Chiero - Numerologist,Astrologer, Palmist and Author

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The Chaldean method is based on the person's present name, rather than their birth name, because that is the energy that is now being radiated in everyday life. This method system is then used to assign each letter to a number from one to eight. The Chaldean number system assigns them numbers based on the vibration of each letter rather than their alphabetical location. Now you have a question about what is my chaldean number? Lets see below. The letters of the Latin alphabet are allocated numerals in the following order.

A - J - I - Q - Y = 1

B - K - R = 2

C - L - G -S = 3

D - M - T = 4

E - N - H - X = 5

U - V - W = 6

O - Z = 7

F - P = 8

What is the Chaldean Numerology?

Chaldean Numerology comes from ancient Egypt's culture. It is based on the universal power vibration pattern. The ancients knew about numbers and letters' connections between nature and They studied hidden frequencies in letters and numbers. 

Numbers in Chaldean Numerology

The vibrations of the numbers are prescribed in ancient clay tablets that are at least 2,500 years old, according to the ancient principles of this "Chaldean numerology" method. These clay tablets, according to legend, were created by the ancient Gods.

chaldean numerology

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Chaldean numerology system separated numbers into three parts as friendly, enemy and neutral. So, friendly numbers in numerology mean those numbers can give favorable vibration power to grow your life from below to the top level. Enemy numbers in numerology mean those numbers can generate bad vibration inside you and also absorb good strength from you. Neutral numbers in numerology mean those numbers do not harm or do not give good strength to you. You can get some idea about the numbers separation.

Enemy/friendly numbers in numerology

Numerology of My Name – Chaldean System 

Chaldean numerology Friendly and Enemy Numbers

According to above table in this Chaldean numerology method you can check your birth date number and your name number vibration matching. If it matches friendly or neutrality is good vibration as above explanation. If it does not match friendly or neutrality means enemy vibration, then you have to suffer lots of issues in your life. 

chaldean numerology

How do I calculate My Name in Numerology?

The Chaldean Numerology system has separate numbers for letters. You can calculate your name's value according to an example. Now, Let’s check this example.

EX. Your Name

Johne Fedric



= 46

= 4+6

= 10

= 1+0

= 1

This man was born in 1983-02-10.So, His birth date was 10.It means 1+0 =1.Name number and birth date number are both same. It means, he can get good vibration power to his life from universe.

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Think, Same name Johne Fedric was born in 1983-02-08.His birth date was number 8.So, name number and birth date number are not matching. They are enemy each other. So, He has to face lots of issues during his life time. When people call him as Johne Fedric he is received negative energy from universe.

Now you can understand in this numerology of my name topic, how to check the name number using Chaldean method and birth date number vibration process. Check your name and birth date number vibration pattern according to Chaldean numerology System. If you want to get consultant service to check your name number vibration please visit this Facebook page and put a message to inbox. Keep your name vibration in good way

- Numerology of my name – Chaldean System -



Written By HarvestedSpiritualmind.

Spiritual Practice and Life Motivation Researchers.

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