How To Open Your Spiritual Third Eye

How To Open Your Spiritual Third Eye

A man and a young lady practice meditation and try to build mental concentration.
Great Wisdom

The spiritual eye is also called the third eye. Every human being has not just two, but three eyes. For most of us, the third secret eye is blocked. We've forgotten how to focus on it over the course of our lives, so that our inner connection to our brow chakra is broken.

But how could we succeed in activating the third eye and, according to reality, what happens once our hidden eye is opened together with you? We'd like to take a closer look at this exciting topic. As already mentioned, the third eye is also known as the spiritual eye also brow chakra.

Energy Centers

The third eye is closely related to the pineal gland. This is located at the back of the midbrain and is responsible for the production of melatonin.
How To Open Your Spiritual Third Eye

Every person has seven main chakras in detail, also called seven energy points. These are subtle energy centers that are located between our physical body and our so-called astral body. 

The seven chakras describe a vertical line that connects us to both heaven and earth. For example, the heart chakra represents love and grants us the ability to give and receive love.

The so-called sacral chakra in turn allows us to feel joy. We told you earlier that the third eye is closed in most people, but how can we tell if this is also true for us? The relevant sources say that in such cases, we have great difficulty in listening to our inner voice.

People whose brow chakra is closed therefore think and act extremely rationally, almost completely ignoring their intuition and gut feelings. Read 10 spirit daily here.

At first glance, one might assume that such a thoughtful, controlled way of life isn't bad at all. In truth, however, such a blockage causes us to fear trying new things and stick to our set patterns.

Forehead chakra (Ajna Chakra)

The third eye is closely related to the pineal gland. This is located at the back of the midbrain and is responsible for the production of melatonin.
How To Open Your Spiritual Third Eye

According to some theories, a blocked forehead chakra even has a negative effect on our physical well-being, favoring depression, headaches, dizziness, and sleep disorders. 

However, if we now succeed in activating our hidden eye, we can successfully declare war on all of these ailments.


But that's not all, according to some theories. The opening and use of the secret eye even leads us into higher worlds of consciousness that we currently don't even dare to dream of. Activation of the brow chakra: Read here about peace of mind.

Before we delve into the exciting worlds that we can enter through the use of the third eye, we should first clarify a fundamental question:

How Is It Even Possible To Open Our Secret Eye?

The third eye is closely related to the pineal gland. This is located at the back of the midbrain and is responsible for the production of melatonin.
How To Open Your Spiritual Third Eye

In this regard, several factors must interact. This also means that we eat a healthy and balanced diet. According to this, harmful foods and stimulants such as alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine make it difficult to release the blockage in our forehead chakra. 

If you provide the physical shell of your soul with important vitamins and thus new energy, you create optimal conditions for opening the third eye.

In addition, certain colors, specifically purple and indigo blue, can help stimulate the corresponding energy center. 

Secret Chakras To Open Third Eye

This chakra was discovered in Ranmasu Uyana Sri Lanka. Archaeologists have yet to say anything definitive about this chakra. However, some historians claim that this is the Astar Gate, through which we can travel to another world. 

Secret Chakras - Ranmasu Uyana - Sri Lanka - Spiritual-Chakra

When we see this more closely, we can see three seats in front of the chakra. So, we can think, the people or monks meditated by looking at this chakra. 

So, perhaps people will use this to control their minds and keep them focused. Also similar spiritual chakras found in Peru and Egypt.

Healing Stones

The third eye is closely related to the pineal gland. This is located at the back of the midbrain and is responsible for the production of melatonin.

Healing stones also help to stabilize the imbalances in the energy supply in the body in order to be able to adequately process the numerous impressions that we absorb during our everyday life

A fixed sleep rhythm is also essential. Regular yoga and meditation exercises also help to restore the connection to our third eye. 

Many Hindus also visually emphasize the connection to their forehead chakra with the typical painted dots between the brows. Read here "Healing hands" of Reiki method

These so-called bindis are therefore exactly where the energetic third eye is located.

The opening: once a person's finally able to open the third eye, how will his or her life be changed according to the relevant teachings? 

People with activated forehead chakras can empathize better with others in general.

They're said to have a very good knowledge of human nature, which is why it's easy for them to unmask liars in no time at all. Intuition also plays a major role in such cases. 

You can again rely on your inner voice without worrying and make decisions.

Third eye pineal gland

The third eye is closely related to the pineal gland. This is located at the back of the midbrain and is responsible for the production of melatonin.
How To Open Your Spiritual Third Eye

The third eye is closely related to the pineal gland. This is located at the back of the midbrain and is responsible for the production of melatonin.

Even apart from religious beliefs, if the balance of this so-called hormone is disturbed, this has a negative effect on our physical and mental well-being. 

In yoga, the secretions formed in the pineal gland are called amrutam.

In doing so, this amrutam can be woven into the inner system to improve overall health at the same time due to its lucky properties. 

According to some theories, the activation of the third eye should even enable visions and clairvoyant experiences. 

While we've primarily focused on Hindu-influenced views of this hidden eye thus far, it's now time to turn our attention to the other groups who hold this mystical mystery to a higher level.

Nature process

The third eye is closely related to the pineal gland. This is located at the back of the midbrain and is responsible for the production of melatonin.
How To Open Your Spiritual Third Eye

In fact, this exciting symbolism is not limited to the ranks of the Hindus; it is also how Buddhists locate the third eye on load Buddha's forehead. 

Load Buddha explained about spiritual wisdom. It is knowledge gained through understanding of natural processes. 

The invisible eye always represents the connection with the great unknown, and underlying the symbolism is the assumption that something exists beyond our material world that we cannot perceive or comprehend in any conventional way.

When it comes to spiritual signs and beliefs, the third eye frequently represents the earth, the universe, or understanding about all the creation. Read here signs of anointed person

As a reminder, these parasites are based on the assumption that the ancients were in regular contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. 

Since the extraterrestrial visitors revealed secret knowledge and technologies to the terrestrials, they were worshiped by them as supernatural deities.

So much for the hotly debated theory applied to the case of the third eye. 

Secret Eye 

Some convinced pre-astronauts, therefore, ask the following question: What if the secret eye actually embodies the connection with those extraterrestrial guests from the past? 

The third eye is closely related to the pineal gland. This is located at the back of the midbrain and is responsible for the production of melatonin.
How To Open Your Spiritual Third Eye

Well, the Hindu influence currents still closely associate the brow chakra with the pineal gland in the ranks of the pre-astronautics. It's directly related to the thalamus.

The reason for this is that the third eye is shown as an egg-shaped structure in many old illustrations, and the thalamus also appears optically as two identically shaped eggs. 

In simple terms, these are the brain regions that are responsible for transmitting information from the sensory receptors.

Some researchers studying stimulation of the thalamus in coma patients have proposed that this area has the most important influence on human consciousness. Develop your mind body spirit.

It doesn't matter whether it's through the eyes or the ears, all the information that we gather through our primary sense organs first reaches the thalamus, where it's sorted again and forwarded to the cerebral cortex. 

Given the amazing properties of the thalamus, some creative minds wonder if it might have been an extraterrestrial gift that brought us to life in the first place.

The hidden third eye would therefore be link with which we could one day get in touch with reality of life.


The third eye is closely related to the pineal gland. This is located at the back of the midbrain and is responsible for the production of melatonin.
At the same time, the symbol was also known as the "eye of providence," which is that of an all-seeing god. 

It is particularly amazing if we compare the pure form of the
thalamus with the eye of Horus. Some striking similarities cannot be denied from today's perspective. 

However, it's difficult to reconstruct the background on which this ancient symbolism was actually based. What is certain is that representations of eyes played an important role in the daily lives of the ancient Egyptians.

The corresponding symbol was worn by many residents of the Pharaohs in the form of an amulet, with which they wanted to protect themselves from the so-called evil eye. 

In the epic of the New Kingdom, the Magic Eyes played an increasingly important role in burial culture. In addition to religion, many sarcophagi and grave goods were decorated with the corresponding symbol. The Egyptians also used the eye of Horus in medicine. Read here spiritual meditation art.

The mathematical ratios of the symbols served as a guide for the physicians of the time in order to dose their remedies. 

It's possible that the eye of Horus itself was used as part of a healing spell. 

Whether we'll ever find out what really made the ancient Egyptians integrate the legendary  into their everyday lives is literally written in the stars. 

Until we get an answer to this exciting question, there's still a lot of room for the most adventurous speculation. 

Activating the Third Eye: Now that we know what the third eye can do, you're probably wondering how I can use it.

How To Open The Third Eye

The third eye is closely related to the pineal gland. This is located at the back of the midbrain and is responsible for the production of melatonin.
How To Open Your Spiritual Third Eye
Well, we mentioned a while ago that many people believe that the only true way to activate the third eye is to meditate, do yoga exercises, and commit to various other tasks for an indefinite amount of time. 

However, if you wish to open and clear your spiritual eye to see the spiritual beauty, you have to practice more spiritual techniques and also get guidance from a spiritual guiding master.

However, depending on where you live, committing to this is something of a dubious endeavor according to local laws. 

Some of you may know that psychedelic therapy is becoming a very viable form of therapy for people who are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder or other mental ailments in certain states in America, as well as several countries around the world. Read about spiritual health.

These ailments are being treated with psychedelics in order to help alleviate the symptoms of these conditions and, in some cases, completely cure the affected person from the various research studies that have been conducted on the topic. There are multiple psychedelics that can achieve this. 

The third eye is closely related to the pineal gland. This is located at the back of the midbrain and is responsible for the production of melatonin.
How To Open Your Spiritual Third Eye

Also so, when you open your third eye, you will have got spiritual healing power.

After opening your third eye, you can feel real relaxation in your mind. 

For example, in fact, many people have explained that their psychedelic experiences are strikingly similar to some third-eye experiences shared by ancient people who roamed the earth long before us. 


Some historians even believe that psychedelics played a key role in the ancient way of life and helped to shape their culture in almost unbelievable ways. 

They also say that they were able to express and feel compassion in ways that they never knew they could. You can get start doing 5 minutes morning meditation. You can start by doing 5 minutes of morning meditation in first stage.

By seeing his face, nobody can identify if someone has activated their third eye or not. You will be able to see things which are not seen by your physical eyes. 

You will be able to visit places that will be not visited by your physical body. So, you can try to open your third eye with a good spiritual teacher’s guidance. Please share this article with others.



Written By HarvestedSpiritualmind.

Spiritual Practice and Life Motivation Researchers.

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|  Third eye | third eye chakra | the 3rd eye | 3rd eye | the third eye | pineal gland third eye | open your third eye | ajna chakra | 3rd eye chakra | open third eye | 


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