Foods For Balancing Chakras – Healing 7 Energy Centers

Foods For Balancing Chakras – Healing 7 Energy Centers

You know that food is essential for human persistence. Balancing chakras is effective to maintain good health. Humans grow well through food. Humans need food from the day of conception until they are born and die. The fresh air you get from the environment is also food. You are aware that your body contains seven powerful chakras (Energy Centersthat run from the bottom to the top.

These seven chakras are colored in different colors and make a ring around the body. That colorful ring is called Aura. These chakras weaken at different times. Different meditation methods and food should be given to strengthen those chakras. A person who has strengthened the seven chakras will have universal power as well as the power to heal the sick persons. 

This article describes foods for each chakra. By balancing these chakras, your internal energy flow will be flow better. Your spiritual activities, yoga exercises and diet are all important for your chakra balance.

Foods for balancing 7 chakras – Balancing and Healing Life.

Read More Article - Ten Steps to Spiritual Growth.

Spiritual questions.

Questions you usually ask about the spirituality.

1.What should I eat to balance my chakras?

2.How can I balance my chakra naturally?

3.Which chakra is associated with food?

4.Which chakra is associated with food?

Foods for balancing 7 chakras – Balancing and Healing Life.

1 - Root Chakra –  Muladhara Chakra

It is the chakra that builds a person's personality. The love and kindness that a small child receives from his parents makes this cycle grow even better. This chakra is located at the end of the spine, between the urinary tract and the rectum. This covers the surrounding area. 

This root chakra provides the universal energy or vital energy needed by the two adrenal glands in this area of ​​the body. This gland controls the production of various hormones and substances required for the digestion of food and the survival of the body. 

It produces a hormone called adrenaline, which enables a person to face with an emergency and to face with various life-threatening situations. Blocking this cycle leads to disease in this area. The color of this circle is Red. Read about Spiritual healing.

Foods for balancing 7 chakras – Balancing and Healing Life.

Foods That Balance :- 

Beets, parsnips, carrots, radishes, potatoes, rutabaga, Red apples, strawberries, pomegranates, turnips, raspberries, turmeric, ginger, Nuts, cayenne, paprika, horseradish, onions, meats, beans, tofu, soy products, peanut butter, eggs.

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2 - The Sacral Chakra – Svadhisthana

This circle is located in the middle of the hip on the inside of the spine. This is the area known as the lower abdomen below the navel area. Accordingly, the parts of the digestive system in this part produce energy and hormones required for the functioning of the digestive system. Female ovaries as well as male testicles are located in the area where this cycle is located. 

Therefore, the area belonging to this chakra is very important for the human body. The psychological problems that occur during the sexual process are controlled by the weaknesses and strengths of this chakra. Therefore, it is very important that this cycle is balanced. The color of this circle is Orange. Read - Keys to success.

Foods for balancing 7 chakras – Balancing and Healing Life.

Foods That Balance: - 

Strawberries, melons, coconut, mangos, passion fruit, oranges, coconut water, spices, cinnamon, honey, sesame seeds, carrots , vanilla, apricots , flax, Foods rich in Omega-3s, sesame, almonds, salmon ,cinnamon , walnuts, herbal teas.

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3 - The Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura

This circle is located about two inches above the navel of your abdomen. This region contains many important organs such as pancreas, gold balder, liver, stomach and duodenum. This part produces a lot of blood in the body as well as produces insulin. It helps in controlling the blood sugar in the body. 

Therefore, the part that belongs to this cycle is also important. The color of this circle is Yellow.

Foods for balancing 7 chakras – Balancing and Healing Life.

Foods That Balance: - 

flax seed, sunflower seeds, milk, cheeses, yogurt, rices, mints, Ginger, chamomile, cumin, turmeric, Bananas, corn, lemons, oats, pineapple, farro, sprouted grains, rye, spelt.

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4 - The Heart Chakra – Anahata

This chakra is located in and around the chest, heart space. In addition to activating the heart, this cycle produces blood molecules that are essential for the body's survival. There are also psychologically related parts to this. 

It is the heart that makes us sensitive. It determines the higher or lower level of life. This chakra is located slightly between the other chakras so it gives balance to the body. The color of this circle is Green.

Foods for balancing 7 chakras – Balancing and Healing Life.

Foods That Balance:- 

Green teas, dandelion greens, cauliflower, celery, spinach, broccoli, kale, cabbage, basil ,thyme, cilantro ,broccoli, spinach, chard, parsley, cucumber, avocado, celery, zucchini, matcha, lime, peas, green apples, mint, kiwi.

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5 - The Throat Chakra – Vishuddha

This cycle is located in the throat. It affects the function of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. The thyroxine hormone produced by the thyroid gland is important for various components. 

Conveying the importance of the words 'exceptionally unadulterated', this chakra causes you to plainly shout out in a smooth, certain, true way. At the point when adjusted, you transparently and affectionately talk reality and communicate in whichever way feels most in arrangement at some random time. The color of this circle is Sky Blue.

Foods for balancing 7 chakras – Balancing and Healing Life.

Foods That Balance: - 

Liquids such as coconut water, herbal teas, lemon, Blueberries and blackberries, apples, pears, plums, figs, kelp. Always drink water frequently to cool the throat.

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6 - The Third Eye Chakra – Ajna

This chakra is located between your eyebrows and extends to your brain's pineal gland. This chakra gives you the power to think very sharply and gives the power to see visions invisible to the naked eye beyond the physical world. 

Some time before mind imaging, numerous old societies thought about the third eye's essence trusting it to be our spiritualist human association with the heavenly. So this chakra is a very special chakra. The color of this circle is Indigo.

Foods for balancing 7 chakras – Balancing and Healing Life.

Foods That Balance: - 

black berries, blue berries, raspberries, Purple grape juice, poppy seeds, purple kale, purple cabbage, eggplant, purple carrots, cocao, Plums.

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7 - The Crown Chakra – Sahasrara

This chakra located at the top of your head is the chakra that connects you with the universe. This cycle works to balance your body and develop spiritual energy while meditating. This chakra helps to attract the universal energy to you as spirituality develops. The color of this circle is Violet / White.

Foods for balancing 7 chakras – Balancing and Healing Life.

Foods That Balance: - 

This cycle requires natural nutrients as food. Pure air, cool sunlight and nature are essential to strengthen this chakra. When you do not get enough of these, your mental state weakens. In addition Incense and smudging herbs like sage, myrrh, copal, frankincense, and juniper can be specified.

As a spiritual seeker, what should I eat to balance my chakras? , A problem may arise. The foods for each chakra are described as above. 

In addition to these, you can do meditate and also can listen to music that balancing chakras. But if you are practicing these; you need to train under an experienced teacher. You can strengthen your lifestyle by balancing the seven energy-containing chakra of the body.


Written By HarvestedSpiritualmind.

Spiritual Practice and Life Motivation Researchers.

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