Future Prediction According To Astrology

Future Prediction According To Astrology

Future Prediction

As a human, we are all like to know about our future. So, we interest in getting future Predictions about our life. So, I like to present Krishnamurthy Astrology. It was found by Professor K.S.Krishnamurthi in India. He was a great astrologer. I will give you a prediction about your life's future events. I know, you like to know about your destiny. You have a question about your future. You have a curiosity in your mind. In astrology, it has two different reading types. One is birth time chart one is birth time chart reading, and another one is horary chart reading. You can get knowledge about How to find your Career according to Numerology.

Future Prediction

Birth Time Chart Reading

Astrologers can make a chart according to your birth time. He uses accurate birth time, longitude and latitude of birthplace mainly and some of the other circumstances. Then, in This chart, you can get more details about your future. It also represents your past life events and future life status. If you can get some knowledge about your future, you can make plans to face to future.

Future Prediction

Related Article - Your Birth Date Reveals Your Fate - Numerology Reading

Horary Chart Reading

When you arise a question about some issue in your mind, you can get an answer through Horary Astrology. The horary chart makes according to the time when the question was raised. So you can get an answer instantly, according to Horary Astrology. Example question - Marriage, Love affair, Finance position, Diseases cure, Vehicle buying, whatever your life events. This is a powerful Part of astrology.

Future Prediction

Professor K.S.Krishnamurthi invented his own horary method to solve questions. It is a very powerful and accurate method. Read bellow question. You can ask any question as below.

 - How about my future finance position?

- How about my mirage life?

- My love affair will go to a marriage?

- Can I trust what this person is telling me?

- Can I go abroad?

- When I cure from this disease?

- As above, you can ask many questions of an astrologer.

Future Prediction


I will give you a prediction about your financial position. ‘How about my future finance position? ‘. This service is free of charge. You can visit my Facebook account and put a message to inbox with the below details.

1 - Your name. 

2 - Your county.

3 - Your Email Adress.

4 - Your question - How about my future finance position?

5 - The number between 1 to 249.

Harvested Spiritual Mind

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How Do You get A Number Between 1 To 249

This was a miracle invented by professor K.S.Krishnamurthi. So, If You want to know about your future financial position. First, you have to go silent place and calm down your mind. Then closes your eyes and think about your question deeply. Then get a number between 1 to 249 from the mind while thinking about it. Then send me that number with other requested details above. If your mind is not calm down or thoughts wrong, Prediction maybe goes wrong. So, please give me the true details. If you can give me true details, you can get accurate future Prediction.

- Future Prediction According To Astrology -


Written By HarvestedSpiritualmind.

Spiritual Practice and Life Motivation Researchers.

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